Classical Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Extraction Training
During this six-day intensive course participants will be trained in dealing with the two most prevalent forms of illness from a shamanic perspective, namely soul loss and harmful object intrusions. We shall learn how soul loss occurs and will experientially learn how to find or track a soul and bring it back to a person. We shall explore how this can be effective in working with survivors of abuse, accidents, people who have undergone surgery and other emotional and physical traumas, as well as people dealing with such issues as alcoholism and drug abuse. Participants will also be trained in methods of removing harmful energy intrusions from a patient’s body which typically cause weakness, malaise, localised pain or discomfort, illness or death, depending on the type of energy intrusion and how long it has been in the patients body. These misplaced energies can be removed through sucking out the intrusions or by using ‘spirit hands’ to pull the intrusions out, and the training explores in detail how to locate, identify and remove these object intrusions in a fashion that is safe for both the practitioner and the patient alike.
As well as working with techniques and practices regarding soul retrieval and shamanic extraction, the training will also focus on life after healing — how we create healthier lives for ourselves and others after the healing has taken place. This will be accomplished through shamanic journey, ritual and ceremony.
During this six-day intensive course each participant will act as a shaman to learn the techniques and they will also have the opportunity to have the lost parts of themselves retrieved and intrusions removed. This training is specifically designed for those people who wish to deepen their shamanic work and bring shamanic healing work into their practice with others.