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Company No. 5268253
VAT No. 851 2673 28
Florence House Seaford Ltd.

Life with Purpose: A Transforming Retreat with Clive Tempest

Life With Purpose: A Transforming Retreat with Clive Tempest

  • A five-day residential experience.
  • Chigung exercises to suit beginners.
  • A practice of being – going beyond meditation.
  • A radical analysis of what’s happening in the evolution of consciousness.
  • Energising relaxation, fresh sea breezes, good food and good company.


moving – sitting – listening – being – eating – sleeping – all with purpose

“Knowing your purpose, how can you be anxious or troubled? But who knows their real purpose in life? We have our goals and ambitions for the future, but true purpose can only be known in any moment. Just as you can only know love now, not tomorrow or yesterday. In this retreat you drop the tension of doubt and anxious confusion. You discover a new way of being through movement, sitting in stillness and listening to wisdom. There are chigung exercises to raise new energy. There are sitting meditations to integrate it and talks about living more consciously in a world of change.”

For over 40 years Clive Tempest has been supporting individual transformation and creativity: through taichi, the performing arts and during his extraordinary journey working around the world for the Australian spiritual teacher Barry Long. He has been leading retreats in UK and abroad for the last ten years and brings unique energy, warmth and razor-sharp perception. He works to trip up and break down habitual negativity, freeing real love and integrity.





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