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Company No. 5268253
VAT No. 851 2673 28
Florence House Seaford Ltd.

A Retreat for Radical Change

About the retreat

As a professional coach or supervisor, you may notice that you are:

  • standing at the edge of a personal or professional change that you are not yet able to make happen
  • caught in the grip of some old habit or pattern that is limiting your impact as a coach
  • limited by obstacles within your client work and you have a sense that there is something here for you to pay attention to.
  • feeling depleted within your coaching practice.

At these moments, having the support of a like-minded professional community and a guided transformational process can support you to make the shift towards a more vibrant future.

This retreat is 3-days of deep personal and professional development in the company of like-minded professionals.
It will be led by Damion Wonfor and Nicola Dunn. Both are experienced constellators, mindfulness practitioners and systemic coaches / supervisors.

The event will be a highly experiential residential retreat with limited spaces, involving individual, paired and group work utilising the modality of systemic/family constellations.

This way of working will support you to recognise how your learning edge may held back by a repeating pattern or systemic entanglement. You will be supported to step out of this ancestral historical trance and to create a movement towards a fully resourced future.

You will also experience meditation, mindful movement and time in the natural world to maximise your self-care and resourcefulness.

By completing this retreat, you can expect to leave with:

• freedom from old habits and patterns and a movement towards your potential
• deeper congruence and authenticity within your work
• greater presence and capacity to use your embodied and intuitive knowing
• stronger personal resilience
• expanded and resourced capacity for your client work in the up-coming year
• deep connections to a community of like-minded professional coaches and supervisors.


Our venue for this retreat is Florence House in East Sussex. Florence House sits at the top of Seaford Head, on the edge of the South Downs. The house is surrounded by stunning landscapes and fresh sea breezes. It is a true haven: comfortable, relaxing and with amazing food.

You will also have private accommodation with your own bathroom during the retreat so you will eat well and sleep well!

Florence House

“Self-care is giving your coaching clients the best of you rather than what’s left of you.”


  • £900 + VAT – early bird fee until 31 December 2023
  • £1100 + VAT from 1 January 2024.

Fees include the 3-day retreat, accommodation, meals, and refreshments. For further information or to book a place, please contact us.

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